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Weight Loss Specialist

Internists and Primary Care located in Silver Spring, MD

Internists located in Silver Spring, MD

If weight loss was easy, then waistlines in Maryland wouldn’t be growing at such alarming rates. Anuradha Arun, MD, at PrimeCare Medicine in Silver Spring, Maryland, is an internal medicine physician trained to prevent the onset of chronic diseases. Losing weight may be one of the most important factors you have control over to help prevent conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. If you’re struggling with your weight, Dr. Arun can help. Call today or schedule an appointment using the online booking button.

Weight Loss Q & A

What is the body mass index (BMI)?

The body mass index (BMI) is a screening tool Dr. Anuradha Arun uses to assess health as it relates to your weight. It’s a mathematical calculation that divides your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.

Your BMI number is then categorized into a weight status:

  • 18.5 or less: underweight
  • 18.6 to 24.9: healthy weight
  • 25 to 29.9: overweight
  • 30 or more: obese

Being underweight, overweight, or obese increases your risk of disease. If your BMI indicates you’re overweight or obese, Dr. Arun and her team at PrimeCare Medicine can help you lose weight with a medical weight-loss program.

Do I need to follow a strict diet to lose weight?

You don’t need to follow a strict diet to lose weight. In fact, the reason most diets fail to help you keep the weight off is that they’re too difficult to follow long term. Dr. Arun is a physician focused on health and prevention and works one on one with you to develop a diet plan that makes sense to you and one you can follow for life.

She calculates your calorie needs based on your current weight and weight-loss goals, then creates a diet plan that supports weight loss, but doesn’t leave you feeling deprived. Her plan includes a variety of healthy food options from all the food groups, including fruits and vegetables, lean sources of protein, healthy whole grains, and dairy or dairy alternatives.

Are there medications that can help me lose weight?

Dr. Arun and her team at PrimeCare Medicine understand the struggles you may face when it comes to losing weight, including hunger and food cravings. To get you motivated and help you succeed, medication may be recommended.

Weight-loss medication usually works by preventing you from absorbing calories or by reducing hunger. Common weight-loss medications include:

  • Orlistat
  • Phentermine
  • Naltrexone-bupropion

Dr. Arun will determine the type of medication for you based on your weight-loss goals and health history. Weight-loss medications may be recommended if you’re obese or you’re overweight and have weight-related health conditions such as diabetes or hypertension.

You don’t have to lose weight on your own. For medical management of your weight loss with a compassionate team, call PrimeCare Medicine, or schedule an appointment using the online booking button.