Breast Cancer Awareness

Happy October. This month we are spreading awareness on breast cancer. Breast cancer can start in different parts of the breast, but it is important to remember that most breast lumps are benign and not cancerous. Any breast lumps should be evaluated by a healthcare professional as it may affect one’s future cancer risk.
Breast Cancer Risk Factors you CAN’T Change:
- Inheriting BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes
- These are the most common mutated copy of breast cancer genes that increases one’s risk of having breast cancer.
- Family History of breast cancer
- Those who have a first-degree relative with BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation.
- Chest Radiation at a younger age
- Younger women (ages 10-30) treated with radiation therapy for other cancer can increase the risk for breast cancer.
The American Cancer Society Guidelines for women at average risk for breast cancer:
Women’s Age |
Frequency |
Ages 40-44 |
Screening mammogram yearly |
Ages 45-54 |
Mammograms yearly |
Ages 55 and Older |
Mammogram every other year |
The American Cancer Society Guidelines for women at HIGH risk for breast cancer:
Women with high risk factors listed above are recommended to get a breast MRI and a mammogram starting at age 30.
If you have any concerns or are due for screening please contact us at 301-593-9800.
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